Monday, February 12, 2018

India officials investigate if fake doctor spread HIV virus

Federal health officials going to visit Unnao territory, where the incident occurred, to investigate the matter. It isn't clear the method many of the approved statuses were contracted from the alleged used syringe. The 33 people approved by HIV virus were between 566 people who were tested at a screening camp organised by the Gov., health officials told Reuters. "We ask HIV virus patients several things to know the source of contagion," SP Choudhary, a senior medicinal officer said. Around 45% of medicinal practitioners in India aren't formally trained, according to the Indian medicinal Association.

Fake doctor suspected of infecting at least 33 people by HIV virus

(CNN) At least 33 people have tested positive for HIV virus in northern India after a fake doctor allegedly used a tainted needle while handling them. Police in Bangarmau in the state of Uttar Pradesh catched Rajendra Yadav, who allegedly passed himself off as a doctor. He visited his patients on foot or with bicycle at their homes & too provided therapy, said Sushil Choudhary, Unnao territory chief medicinal officer. Suspicions over malpractice were lifted in November while health officials detected an alarming number of patients from the same ambit Analyzing positive for HIV virus, the virus which causes AIDS virus. "We realized which a lot of statuses are coming from only 1 ambit," said Choudhary.

Fake doctor suspected of infecting at least 33 people with HIV

Indian fake doctor injects 21 by HIV virus out of tainted syringes

referring to lock A fake doctor in India has been accused of infecting at least 21 people by HIV virus. (picture: ED JONES, AFP/Getty Images)LUCKNOW, India – A fake doctor handling poor villagers in northern India for colds, coughs & diarrhea has infective at least 21 of them by HIV virus by Utilizing contaminated syringes & needles, a health formal said Tuesday. Sushil Choudhury, the formal, said police were looking for Rajendra Yadav, who fled Bangarmau, a small town in Uttar Pradesh state, after the HIV virus contagions were detected in December final year. further: President Donald trump fires council advising on HIV virus/AIDSIndia had mn people living by HIV virus at the finish of 2016, according to a UNAIDS report. HIV virus – or the human immunodeficiency virus – is transmitted out of blood transfusion, Utilize of infective needles & syringes, unprotected sex, or from mom to child.

collected by :Lucy William

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