Cold Sores Causes, symptoms, and Treatment

facts on cold sores

Cold sores are small sores that occur less frequently on the lips, chin, cheeks, inside the nostrils, and on the gums. Moreover they might be aching for some people as they really heart and hard to be wiped out. However, today in this blog post we will discuss all about them and their proper treatment.

Cold Sores Symptoms

Unlike people with herpes simplex virus, people with these cold sores develop symptoms that is apparent at sight. Moreover, they might be severe if you did not have them before in your life.  Afterwards, cold sores are considered symptoms of HSV-1 and 2, which they remain as the sole repetitive sign that the virus is present in the body. However, in most of the cases, people might not get any apparent symptoms. 

Furthermore, severe symptoms are most likely to happen in children and they include:

  • sore throat
  • swollen glands
  • high body temperature
  • dehydration
  • nausea
  • headaches
  • esions, blisters, or ulcers on the tongue or mouth
  • mouth or tongue pain
  • lip swelling
  • possible swallowing difficulties

Causes of Cold Sores
causes of cold sores

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) undoubtedly causes these cold sores. Moreover, HSV-1 and HSV-2 are highly contagious viruses that can spread easily due to close contact. Furthermore, after the virus enters the body, it remains inactive most of the time, however, if the trigger activates the virus, it can cause cold sores.
However, person may have only one outbreak without relapse, while others may have two or three outbreaks per year.

Treatment of Cold Sores
Treatment of sores

Cold Sores without treatment, most of their episodes disappear within 1-2 weeks. Moreover, some ointments and antivirals may shorten the duration of the onset of the disease and reduce discomfort and pain. Therefore, some antivirals are considered one of the treatment methods and the cream needs to be applied up to five times daily for nearly a week to take effect. However, there are home remedies in order to treat these sores like lysine supplements such as Aloe Vera as well as Vaseline in order to ease the discomfort.
