Monday, February 12, 2018

HCV Drug probably Potentially Be an efficient curing for Zika virus

HCV Drug probably Potentially Be an efficient curing for ZikaThe investigators emphasize which their findings are preliminaryThe hepatitis C curing, sofosbuvir was found to be efficient versus Zika in both cell cultures & mouse models, according to a research published in Scientific Reports. Utilizing an immunodeficient mouse model infective by Zika, the investigators disclosed which intravenous sofosbuvir safely lowered viral loads in the blood compared to a placebo group. In addition, the fetuses of Zika-infective pregnant mice did'nt showdetectable Zika amplification . When the research is continue in its early stages, the authors note which the information backing more investigation of this readily obtainable therapy for the curing of Zika. "Until there is consent of a Zika pollen, we think this is an approach which needs to be pursued whole-heartedly," concluded Muotri.

pathogenic bacteria probably Block Spread of Zika virus & dengue fever Viruses from Mosquitoes

The mosquito species Aedes aegypti is the primary vector of dengue fever, Zika virus, Chikungunya & other viruses. 1 strategy which has been developed formerlyis to infect these mosquitoes by a bacterial strain called Wolbachia - a bacterial strain which doesn't normally infect Aedes aegypti. Fresh study, published in PLOS Pathogens, shows which a newly described strain of Wolbachia, called wAu, is particularly perfect at blocking viral commute from mosquitoes. The wAu strain, represented in pink dots, in the middle, blocks viral commute better than any of the other strains tested. The Wolbachia strain wAu provides highly Effective virus commute blocking in Aedes aegypti, PLOS Pathogens (2018).

Bacteria May Block Spread of Zika and Dengue Viruses from Mosquitoes

Zika virus Brain Damage probably Go Undetected in Pregnancy: University of Washington research

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Viruses linked to Zika virus probably too Harm Fetuses

PIXNIO, CYNTHIA GOLDSMITH A Zika contagion during pregnancy puts the fetus at danger of developing birth defects. Zika was originally identified in 1952 & not formerlyrelated to microcephaly, Extremely "there had been a lot of guess about Zika being unique . To investigate this potential, Miner & colleagues selected to examine 2 related flaviviruses: West Nile virus, that such as Zika is transmitted by mosquitoes, & Powassan virus, an developing tick-borne virus spreading out of the northeastern U.S. however, by far, the largest amounts were found in mice infective by West Nile virus. They found that When Powassan & West Nile virus replicated readily in all samples, the alphaviruses exhibited inconsistent & less abundant replication.

Viruses Related to Zika May Also Harm Fetuses

collected by :Lucy William

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