Saturday, February 3, 2018

Doctors Warn: West Nile Virus Endemic to Israel probably Cause Zika virus-such as Birth Defects

Gustavo Henrique, who has microcephaly because of the Zika, undergoing medicinal curing in Recife, Brazil, in 2016. 1 of the 4 is West Nile virus, that is endemic to Israel. The 4 flaviviruses linked to Zika that were tested in the Fresh research were WNV, Powassan, chikungunya & Mayaro. In Israel, WNV is transmitted chiefly with 2 species of mosquito – Culex pipiens & Culex perexiguus. When WNV is endemic to Israel, Zika isn't.

Winter Sports probably Help Spread influenza Virus among Kids, Specialists tell

N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — by the influenza virus going around, some parents perhaps be concerned about their children & lock contact sports. Is it a perfect idea to allow your child go to their sports practice or game while influenza season kicks into high gear? "Look at your son or daughter, & perhaps look as per usual, continue perhaps be contagious," he said. Doctors said a better way to stay healthful is to save washing your hands, eating healthful, & taking vitamins. Doctors said even while children feel healthful once more they could continue be contagious for anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks after healing.

Winter Sports May Help Spread Flu Virus Between Children, Experts Say

An Ancient Virus perhaps be Responsible for Human Consciousness

as informed in Actually, you've got an ancient virus at the soroot of your conscious thought. According to 2 papers published in the journal Cell in January, long ago, a virus bound its geneticalcode to the genome of 4-limbed animals. Instead, as Live Science has formerlyannounced, a virus is a geneticalparasite. (&, interestingly, viruses tend to store their geneticalcode in RNA, rather than in DNA.) "These processes underlie brain functions ranging from classical operant conditioning to human cognition & the concept of 'self,'" they wrote.

collected by :Sandra Alex

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