Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mayor: More HIV Positive Chicaogoans Than Ever Receive Treatment quoting : WBEZ

The mayor's press release said HIV diagnosis rates in Chicago have declined steadily over the last decade. "More people are getting care, but it's also important to remember that it's more poeple of a specific demographic that are getting care," he said. Emanuel said in a press release Saturday that this means the city is serving more people living with HIV than ever before. The program involves HIV Primary Care clinics in the Englewood and Uptown neighborhoods, have some of the highest diagnosis rates. Hadeis Safi is an HIV tester and health educator at the Center on Halsted in the Boystown neighborhood.

Mayor: More HIV Positive Chicaogoans Than Ever Receive Treatment
Other HIV positive service members interviewed say that serving their country while fighting for access to HIV care or preventative treatments is an uphill battle rife with bureaucracy, old science and misnomers within the Department of Defense on how HIV is transmitted. "In general, we don't have a lot of good education awareness within the military on being HIV positive. In 1986, roughly five years after the HIV and AIDS epidemic began, the military began testing for HIV during enlistment, and barred anyone who tested positive. The U.S. is one of the few Western nations left that have a ban on HIV positive enlistees. Pinkela has been HIV positive since 2007 when he was diagnosed right before deployment to Iraq during the surge.

Australian Man Tests Positive For HIV While Taking PrEP

collected by :Lucy William
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