Thursday, May 18, 2017

canadianinquirer : declared in China warns of new ransomware virus

TIANJIN–Chinese authorities have warned computer users of a new ransomware virus detected abroad. The National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) and software company AsiaInfo Wednesday detected the "UIWIX" virus, which is spreading in a similar the way to the "WannaCry" ransomware. "The renamed files usually carry the extension '.UIWIX'."No infections have been confirmed in China so far, and the CVERC is undertaking technical analysis on the virus, while keeping an eye on possible infections. "The new virus uses a bug in the Windows operating system, and infects computers by renaming files after encryption," said Chen Jianmin, standing deputy head of the CVERC. Microsoft has issued a security update to address the vulnerability,Chen said.

UIWIX: China warns of new ransomware-like virus UIWIX

"Chinese newspaper Global Times said WannaCry is based on EternalBlue, an application developed by US' National Security Agency to attack computers using the Microsoft Windows operating system Qin An, director of the China Institute of Cyberspace Strategy, said the attack "again reminds the world of the great harm the US' network hegemony and its network weapons can bring about".Among the over 30,000 companies affected by the WannaCry ransomware attack in China included hospitals, train stations, universities, government offices, post offices and gas stations.One of the worst hit by the ransomware was the powerful state-controlled oil company CNPC, the fourth largest company in the world in terms of revenue, which was forced to disconnect the servers of more than 20,000 service stations and temporarily stop accepting online payments. BEIJING: Chinese authorities warned computer users of the risk of a new cyber attack by a virus similar to WannaCry ransomware that has affected over 150 countries since it was detected last week, causing widespread panic.The National Computer Virus Emergency Response Centre (CVERC) and software company AsiaInfo on Wednesday detected the " UIWIX " virus, which is spreading in a similar way like the "WannaCry" ransomware, Xinhua news agency reported.Both viruses use security holes in the Microsoft Windows operating systems to rename files and encrypt them in order to limit users from accessing the computer or files unless they pay a ransom, CVERC deputy head Chen Jianmin said.The virus usually renames files with the extension ".UIWIX", and although no infections have been reported in China as yet, the CVERC was on alert.Meanwhile, Windows released a security update to protect computers against the virus.Beijing authorities earlier this week announced the discovery of another mutation of WannaCry, the "WannaCry 2.0.

China issues warning for new ransomware virus
China has urged Windows users to protect themselves against a new ransomware virus similar to the WannaCry bug that wreaked havoc worldwide last week. While no UIWIX infections have yet been detected in China, the virus has spread in other countries and prompted a security alert last week from the Danish cybersecurity company Heimdal Security. Fifty-four international trade groups signed a letter Monday calling on China to reconsider the law, arguing that it would create significant obstacles for foreign businesses. The extent of Wannacry's impact in China remains unclear.

collected by :Sandra Alex
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