Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What to know: Zika virus according to : eurekalert

This was collected by Lucy William

We will quote to you the news of the best health sites Like : "eurekalert" and the most famous medical experts :

daily : 2016-12-21 & on time : 8:51

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Zika virus infection determined by reproductive cycle in mice

Zika virus infection determined by reproductive cycle in mice
image uploaded by "eurekalert" site
Female mice may be more susceptible to vaginal Zika virus infection during a specific stage of their reproductive cycle, researchers at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology report December 20 in Cell Reports.While their findings cannot be directly extrapolated and applied to humans because the virus was tested in mice with altered immune systems, it does illustrate how certain sex hormones can allow the sexually transmitted virus to establish itself in the reproductive tract and move into the bloodstream."We don't know if the vaccines that are currently being developed prevent sexual transmission because the immune response to protect against systemic infection differs from the one in the reproductive tract," says Sujan Shresta, who studies infectious disease at La Jolla.
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Researchers strengthen the case for sexual transmission of Zika virus

Researchers strengthen the case for sexual transmission of Zika virus
image uploaded by "medicalxpress" site
Although Zika is primarily thought of as mosquito-borne illness, sexual transmission plays an important role in the spread of the virus.Weeks or even months after the virus has been cleared from the bloodstream, Zika can still be found in semen and transmitted through sexual contact.Women can pass the virus to their unborn babies during pregnancy.
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What to know: Zika virus

What to know: Zika virus
image uploaded by "kxly" site
What can you do to protect yourself against Zika?With no treatment or vaccine available, the only protection against Zika is to avoid travel to areas with an active infestation.If you do travel to a country where Zika is present, the CDC advises strict adherence to mosquito protection measures: Use an EPA-approved repellent over sunscreen, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts thick enough to block a mosquito bite, and sleep in air-conditioned, screened rooms, among others.
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