Saturday, December 3, 2016

cbc : declared in High school students open-source Shkreli's pricey HIV drug

This was collected by Lucy William

We will quote to you the news of the best health sites Like : "cbc" and the most famous medical experts :

daily : 2016-12-03 & on time : 13:33

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Ottawa discusses a national drug plan and a large HIV vaccine trial gets underway: CBC's Health Newsletter

Ottawa discusses a national drug plan and a large HIV vaccine trial gets underway: CBC's Health Newsletter
image uploaded by "cbc" site
"It's not sexy, it's not sensational."But the idea of a national drug plan is being explored by a parliamentary committee, something Dalhousie professor Mathew Herder believes could be a first step in moving toward a national pharmacare program.This week we have a peek inside the committee room where the contentious idea is being examined.
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White, rural drug users lack needle exchange programs to prevent HIV infections

White, rural drug users lack needle exchange programs to prevent HIV infections
image uploaded by "washingtonpost" site
A syringe in downtown Austin, Ind., in Scott County, epicenter of Indiana's 2015 HIV outbreak, the worst in state history.It was fueled by the Marijuana epidemic and intravenous drug use.(Christopher Fryer/News and Tribune via AP)Needle-sharing by opiate addicts is placing rural white communities at much greater risk of new HIV infections than ever before, and the United States doesn't have enough syringe programs in place to address the problem, according to a federal report released Tuesday.
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Australian schoolchildren make expensive HIV drug for a dime

Australian schoolchildren make expensive HIV drug for a dime
image uploaded by "indiatimes" site
SYDNEY: A group of Australian schoolchildren working on a shoestring budget have recreated the HIV drug whose price was controversially jacked up 5000% by a former hedge fund manager.US company Turing Pharmaceuticals' former chief Martin Shkreli became a global figure of hate after buying the rights to Daraprim and then raising the price in the US from $13.50 a tablet to $750.Youngsters at a Sydney school decided to draw attention to the scandal and went to work creating pyrimethamine, the active ingredient for Daraprim, an anti-parasitic used to treat people with low immunity, such as those with HIV, chemotherapy patients and pregnant women.Student James Wood said he and his friends had started off with just $20 of the drug, and in one reaction had produced thousands of dollars' worth."So we really just hope this makes a point about the nature of the pharmaceutical industry ," he told the `Sydney Morning Herald'.University of Sydney research chemist Alice Williamson helped the boys synthesise the medicine using an online platform Open Source Malaria.
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High school students open-source Shkreli's pricey HIV drug

High school students open-source Shkreli's pricey HIV drug
image uploaded by "engadget" site
Daraprim is a relatively simple compound and typically costs $12.99 AUD ($10) for fifty tablets in Australia.However, Shkreli's company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, has the exclusive rights to distribute the specific Daraprim formulation in the USA (it's known as Pyrimethamine elsewhere), even though the drug was developed in 1953, and is long out of patent.To get a new version approved, a company would have to compare it Turing's FDA-approved product with their permission, which isn't likely -- the company limits sales to doctors and pharmacies, making it difficult to reverse-engineer.
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