Wednesday, December 21, 2016

buzzfeed : declared in A 25-Year-Old's High-Profile HIV Conviction Is Tossed

This was collected by Lucy William

We will quote to you the news of the best health sites Like : "buzzfeed" and the most famous medical experts : Steven Thrasher

daily : 2016-12-21 & on time : 16:34

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HIV Conviction Of "Tiger Mandingo" Has Been Thrown Out

HIV Conviction Of
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Excoriating prosecutors for deliberately withholding evidence, a court of appeals has ordered a new trial for Michael Johnson, better known as Tiger Mandingo, who was convicted last year for "recklessly" infecting a person with HIV and exposing or attempting to expose four others to the virus.The Eastern District Court of Appeals of Missouri ruled on Tuesday that the prosecution rendered Johnson's trial "fundamentally unfair" when it withheld, until the last minute, recordings of phone conversations Johnson had made from prison.Johnson is currently serving a 30.5 year sentence and is one of the most highly publicized targets of America's controversial HIV laws, which make it a crime for HIV-positive people to have sex without first disclosing that they have the virus.
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Court Rules Michael Johnson HIV Criminalization Conviction Was 'Trial-by-Ambush'

Court Rules Michael Johnson HIV Criminalization Conviction Was 'Trial-by-Ambush'
image uploaded by "thebody" site
A photo posted by Tiger Mandingo (@tigermandingo) on Oct 2, 2013 at 8:56pm PDTIn a stunning reversal, the Missouri Court of Appeals has ordered a new trial for former college wrestler Michael Johnson after finding the state deliberately sabotaged his defense against HIV criminalization charges by withholding two years worth of phone recordings from the jail where he was housed.Johnson's attorneys had argued on appeal that the African-American HIV-positive young man had been denied the opportunity to build a defense against incriminating statements found in those recordings.The state, despite a proper request for discovery, failed to produce those recordings until, effectively, the morning of Johnson's first trial.
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A 25-Year-Old's High-Profile HIV Conviction Is Tossed

A 25-Year-Old's High-Profile HIV Conviction Is Tossed
image uploaded by "newser" site
(Newser) – With HIV no longer a death sentence, decades-old HIV laws and the heavy sentences they carry have become more contentious.A prime and much publicized example was that of Michael L. Johnson, now 25, a Lindenwood University wrestling star at the time of his 2013 arrest who is serving 30.5 years for "recklessly" infecting a male partner with HIV and exposing four others to it.Or, was: On Tuesday, a new trial was ordered for Johnson by a Missouri appeals court, which overturned his conviction after finding the trial court did indeed "abuse its discretion" in airing portions of jailhouse phone calls Johnson made that the defense didn't get access to until the morning of the trial's first day.
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