Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Study Suggests West Nile Virus Is Deadlier Than Expected : wsj

according to wsj

Study Suggests West Nile Virus Is Deadlier Than Expected

Study Suggests West Nile Virus Is Deadlier Than Expected
Study Suggests West Nile Virus Is Deadlier Than Expected
ATLANTA—West Nile virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus may be deadlier than public health officials and doctors have thought, according to a new study.The virus, which like Zika is transmitted to humans mostly by mosquitoes, causes a fever and other symptoms in about one out of every five people it infects.While the majority of those infected never develop any symptoms, patients in about 4% of the 43,937 U.S. cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and...

besides nbc4i

West Nile Virus may be more deadly than previously thought

West Nile Virus may be more deadly than previously thought
West Nile Virus may be more deadly than previously thought
AUSTIN, TX (KXAN) — While West Nile Virus has been a health concern for years, there's still a lot unknown about the disease.There's still no treatment, no vaccine and little research on the long-term effects of the disease.Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine have been studying the virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus/">virus for years, and have uncovered a frightening trend.

let alone wdbj7

Vinton man tests positive for West Nile Virus

Vinton man tests positive for West Nile Virus
Vinton man tests positive for West Nile Virus
Remember when you first heard of West Nile Virus?It was about ten years ago.Many of us have forgotten about this sometimes deadly disease.

West Nile Virus may be more deadly than previously thought

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