Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Scientists discover potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains : pc-tablet

according to pc-tablet

Scientists discover potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains

Scientists discover potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains
Scientists discover potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains
Scientists have found an antibody which destroys all HIV strains and could serve as a springboard to develop drugs which could help treat or prevent the scourge of 21st century- AIDS.The latest antibody has been isolated from an HIV-infected person, and it was found to neutralize 98% of HIV strains tested, which included 16 of the isolates which were resistant to other antibodies of the same class.The antibody has been classified as N6, and it is a possible candidate for developing drugs which will treat or prevent HIV infections.

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NIH scientists identify potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains

NIH scientists identify potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains
NIH scientists identify potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains
NIH researchers have identified an antibody, named N6, from an individual with HIV that potently neutralized 98% of HIV isolates tested, including 16 of 20 strains resistant to other antibodies of the same class.Led by Mark Connors, MD, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the researchers also tracked the evolution of N6 over time to understand how it developed the ability to potently neutralize nearly all HIV strains.According to their report in Immunity, N6 evolved a unique mode of binding that depends less on the variable V5 region of the HIV envelope and focuses more on conserved regions, which change relatively little among HIV strains.

coupled with rt

Researchers identify antibody that neutralizes 98% of HIV strains — RT News

Researchers identify antibody that neutralizes 98% of HIV strains — RT News
Researchers identify antibody that neutralizes 98% of HIV strains — RT News
An antibody from an HIV-infected person has successfully neutralized 98 percent of HIV isolates tested, including the lion's share of strains resistant to other antibodies of the same class, US scientists have found.The striking efficiency of the powerful antibody, named N6, makes it an ideal candidate for further research to treat or prevent HIV infection, scientists from the National Institutes of Health, the largest biomedical research agency in the world, have stated.Read moreScientists scrutinized the evolution of N6 over time to understand how exactly it managed to develop the ability to potently neutralize the majority of HIV strains.

NIH scientists identify potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains

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