Tuesday, November 22, 2016

foodsafetynews : reported that Laser diagnoses bacterial infection in record time

We will quote to you the news of the best health sites Like : foodsafetynews And the most famous medical experts

daily : 2016-11-22 & on time 7:2

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Rare bacterial infection linked to fish from Asian Food Center

Rare bacterial infection linked to fish from Asian Food Center
State and federal officials are investigating the Asian Food Center in Bellevue, WA, after a woman was diagnosed with a rare and sometimes fatal bacterial infection after handling raw fish from the grocery store.The woman was diagnosed Nov. 10 with Vibrio vulnificus and required hospitalization, but has since returned to her home where her recovery continues, according to a news release from Public Health – Seattle & King County.The "likely source of infection was tilapia fish purchased from the Asian Food Center," officials reported.
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Health Department investigating rare bacterial infection associated with raw seafod

Health Department investigating rare bacterial infection associated with raw seafod
A King County resident was diagnosed on Nov. 10 with a rare wound infection caused by the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus.The likely source of infection was tilapia fish purchased from the Asian Food Center, located at 14509 NE 20th St. in Bellevue.Vibrio vulnificus can cause life-threatening illness, so health officials advise that anyone who has eaten or prepared fish from this location before November 17 should be watchful for symptoms of infection for 7 days, and people who purchased fish from this location should discard the fish.
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Laser diagnoses bacterial infection in record time

Laser diagnoses bacterial infection in record time
The United Nations has warned that the increase in drug resistant disease could cost millions of lives in the next few decades.Researchers at St Andrews University have created a laser that can identify the bacteria present in an infection, in minutes instead of hours.The team hope that faster diagnosis will mean more targeted use of prescription drugs and a reduction in antibiotic resistance.
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