Saturday, October 8, 2016

How the Zika Virus Could Make Its Way North : newsweek

As it stated in newsweek

How the Zika Virus Could Make Its Way North

How the Zika Virus Could Make Its Way North
How the Zika Virus Could Make Its Way North
Laboratory tests show that a cold-tolerant mosquito known as Culex quinquefasciatus can be infected with Zika virus in the laboratory.If confirmed in the field, it would be a troubling development, suggesting the virus would be more difficult to control, and might be able to spread far north of Florida and the Caribbean.Culex mosquitoes are not currently targeted for control; the fight against Zika has focused on eradicating Aedes aegypti, an invasive mosquito found throughout tropical and subtropical regions worldwide and which is primarily blamed for the virus's outbreak in Brazil and its spread through parts of south Florida.

not to mention voanews

Evidence Mounting Zika Virus Causes Paralytic Disease

Evidence Mounting Zika Virus Causes Paralytic Disease
Evidence Mounting Zika Virus Causes Paralytic Disease
Researchers have discovered the strongest evidence yet linking the Zika virus to the paralytic illness Guillain-Barre syndrome.During the height of the viral epidemic the incidence of Guillain-Barre was 100 times the number of cases usually seen.Guillain-Barre is a normally rare condition that affects the peripheral nervous system, the nerves in arms and legs that are responsible for sensation and movement.

in like manner forbes

Zika Virus Strongly Linked To Deadly Guillain-Barré Syndrome In New Study

Zika Virus Strongly Linked To Deadly Guillain-Barré Syndrome In New Study
Zika Virus Strongly Linked To Deadly Guillain-Barré Syndrome In New Study

in the same way ozarksfirst

Hurricane Matthew Could Halt Zika Virus - Story

Hurricane Matthew Could Halt Zika Virus - Story
Hurricane Matthew Could Halt Zika Virus - Story
Orlando, Fl.-- Hurricane Matthew could put a temporary halt on the mosquitos that spread the Zika virus.Initially, after a big storm, there can be a decrease in all mosquitos.

additionally wsj

Zika Virus Causes Damage to Infants Beyond Microcephaly, Study Finds

Zika Virus Causes Damage to Infants Beyond Microcephaly, Study Finds
Zika Virus Causes Damage to Infants Beyond Microcephaly, Study Finds
SÃO PAULO—A new study of Zika-infected Brazilian pregnant women and their infants adds to growing evidence the mosquito-borne virus can cause an array of severe birth defects that go far beyond microcephaly.The study of 11 Brazilian babies, by a team of doctors and medical researchers, documents various congenital disorders including not only undersized skulls and brains, but also malformations of the cerebellum, gaps and lesions in...

Zika Virus Strongly Linked To Deadly Guillain-Barré Syndrome In New Study

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