Monday, October 17, 2016

Corbyn slams U.K. Parliament anti-Semitism report for focusing on Labour - Europe - Haaretz - Israel News : haaretz

As it stated in haaretz

Corbyn slams U.K. Parliament anti-Semitism report for focusing on Labour - Europe - Haaretz - Israel News

Corbyn slams U.K. Parliament anti-Semitism report for focusing on Labour - Europe - Haaretz - Israel News
Corbyn slams U.K. Parliament anti-Semitism report for focusing on Labour - Europe - Haaretz - Israel News
Jeremy Corbyn has accused a British parliamentary report on anti-Semitism of focusing too narrowly on his Labour party.Corbyn told British media on Friday that the report issued by the Commons' Home Affairs Select Committee put "disproportionate emphasis on Labour," the Jewish Chronicle reported.Analysis: British Parliament took a brave stance against 'goysplaining' anti-SemitismHe maintained that the vast majority of anti-Semitic incidents were committed by the far right rather than the political left, and that the findings' focus on Labour "risk undermining the positive and welcome recommendations made."

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Conservative Home Affairs Select Committee chairman calls Labour anti-Semitism report worthless

Conservative Home Affairs Select Committee chairman calls Labour anti-Semitism report worthless
Conservative Home Affairs Select Committee chairman calls Labour anti-Semitism report worthless
Labour's report into anti-Semitism in the party "wasn't worth the paper it was written on", the Conservative MP Tim Loughton has told the BBC on Sunday, 16 October.Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show, Loughton, the acting chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said anti-Semitism is "infecting political parties" and that incidents reported in Labour have not been "handled well" by its leader, Jeremy Corbyn.The scathing report, published by the cross-party committee, criticises the Labour leader for his lack of "consistent leadership" which gave anti-Semites a safe space to operate.

besides thesun

Labour MPs demand Shami Chakrabarti 'come clean' over peerage amidst anti-semitism 'whitewash' report

Labour MPs demand Shami Chakrabarti 'come clean' over peerage amidst anti-semitism 'whitewash' report
Labour MPs demand Shami Chakrabarti 'come clean' over peerage amidst anti-semitism 'whitewash' report
Ministers want Baroness to spell out when she was told she would be getting gong from Jeremy CorbynClick to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)LABOUR MPs last night demanded Shami Chakrabarti "come clean" about her gong from Jeremy Corbyn after a devastating attack on anti-semitism in the party.MPs said they wanted the Baroness to spell out once and for all when she was told she would be getting a peerage from the leftie Labour leader.PA:Press Association 3 Shami Chakrabarti told to 'come clean' over gongAnd they told the Sun they wanted to know why her investigation into anti-semitism in the Labour Party was so different from a damning report by the cross-party Home Affairs Select Committee.

Corbyn slams U.K. Parliament anti-Semitism report for focusing on Labour - Europe - Haaretz - Israel News

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