Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Zika Virus May Attack Adult Brain Cells Too : medicaldaily

as mentioned in medicaldaily

Zika Virus May Attack Adult Brain Cells Too

Zika Virus May Attack Adult Brain Cells Too
Zika Virus May Attack Adult Brain Cells Too
The more we get to know the mosquito-borne Zika virus, the more worrying its bite becomes.The latest unfortunate news comes from a team of Italian doctors reporting on the peculiar case of a 32-year-old woman infected with Zika while staying in the Dominican Republic earlier this spring.After returning to Italy in mid-April, the woman initially came down with a fever, rash, headache, and muscle weakness, symptoms well associated with Zika infection.

in like manner fortune

What It's Like to Have the Zika Virus

What It's Like to Have the Zika Virus
What It's Like to Have the Zika Virus
It began with what felt like a punch in the throat.I assumed it was irritation from the cigar I'd smoked on my deck that afternoon in mid-June.But the sensation hung on.

furthermore nbcbayarea

5 Facts About the Zika Virus

5 Facts About the Zika Virus
5 Facts About the Zika Virus
The first known case of Zika virus in a human was discovered in 1952 in Uganda and Tanzania, but a recent outbreak that drew international attention to Brazil began in 2015.Since then the virus has spread rapidly across the Americas.Here are some basic facts about Zika and some tips for protecting yourself if you are in an affected area.

Zika Virus May Attack Adult Brain Cells Too

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