Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Zika Spraying Operation in Miami Beach Set to Continue : newsmax

as declared in newsmax

Zika Spraying Operation in Miami Beach Set to Continue

Zika Spraying Operation in Miami Beach Set to Continue
Zika Spraying Operation in Miami Beach Set to Continue
Another round of aerial spraying in Miami Beach using Naled appears certain for Sunday, as the number of Zika cases continues to rise and a local attempt to stop the operation failed on Wednesday.Miami Beach is one of the only two areas in the U.S. where the virus is being locally transmitted.At a Miami Beach Commission meeting today, residents packed the chambers, urging a halt in the spraying, which uses the powerful pesticide Naled.

by the same token on webmd

Aerial Spraying For The Mosquito That Carries Zika Raises Concerns In Miami Beach

Aerial Spraying For The Mosquito That Carries Zika Raises Concerns In Miami Beach
Aerial Spraying For The Mosquito That Carries Zika Raises Concerns In Miami Beach
Miami Beach's Dilemma: Zika or Insecticide?WebMD Health News By Brenda Goodman, MA WebMD Health NewsSept. 13, 2016 -- First came Zika-infected mosquitoes.Then came the planes, misting a powerful insecticide and nerve agent from the tips of their wings.

as well nbcmiami

Protests, Debate Continue on Miami Beach Over Zika Spraying as Politicians Meet in Washington D.C.

Protests, Debate Continue on Miami Beach Over Zika Spraying as Politicians Meet in Washington D.C.
Protests, Debate Continue on Miami Beach Over Zika Spraying as Politicians Meet in Washington D.C.
NBC 6's Jamie Guirola has the latest on the controversy over Zika spraying in Miami Beach and the fight for Zika funding in Congress.(Published 2 hours ago)As Miami Beach prepares for another round of aerial spraying for the Zika virus scheduled this weekend, some residents and politicians are doing what they can to try and stop those plans.Protests continued outside of the City Hall on Wednesday, with residents still unhappy with the use of the Naled over the transmission zone, located between 8th Street and 28th Street.

Protests, Debate Continue on Miami Beach Over Zika Spraying as Politicians Meet in Washington D.C.

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