Saturday, September 17, 2016

Trudeau challenges world to pledge more money for AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis : montrealgazette

as informed in montrealgazette

Trudeau challenges world to pledge more money for AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis

Trudeau challenges world to pledge more money for AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
Trudeau challenges world to pledge more money for AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
MONTREAL — Canada is challenging the world to step up and pledge money to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday on the first day of an international donor conference in Montreal.Delegates from around the world are in the city for two days hoping to raise $13 billion U.S. to replenish the Global Fund, which was set up to pool money to fight the three major infectious diseases.Trudeau, who is hosting the event, said Canada has already promised more than $800 million for the 2017-19 funding period and he called on countries to "pledge with compassion, pledge with ambition.""We must lead by example," he told delegates during his opening remarks.

moreover from dw

Donors pledge billions to battle AIDS, TB and malaria

Donors pledge billions to battle AIDS, TB and malaria
Donors pledge billions to battle AIDS, TB and malaria
The event, being held Friday and Saturday in Montreal, aimed to raise a total of $13 billion (11.6 billion euros) to fight the three deadly diseases through to 2019."These epidemics can be eradicated," Trudeau said.The Global Fund, which was created as a public-private initiative, has so far spent more than $30 billion on prevention and treatment programs and is credited with helping to save about 20 million lives over the past 14 years.

in like manner theglobeandmail

Trudeau urges world to pledge more money for AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis

Trudeau urges world to pledge more money for AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis
Trudeau urges world to pledge more money for AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis
Justin Trudeau urged world leaders to fund the fight against major diseases in a speech in Montreal that helps burnish Canada's image as a global player ahead of the Prime Minister's trip to the United Nations General Assembly next week.Mr. Trudeau was speaking on Friday as host of an international conference in Montreal aimed at boosting contributions to the Global Fund, an international partnership dedicated to fighting AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria."Canada is challenging you to step up," he told participants.

Trudeau challenges world to pledge more money for AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis

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