Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Zika virus could be India’s next big public health crisis : hindustantimes

As it stated in hindustantimes

The Zika virus could be India's next big public health crisis

The Zika virus could be India's next big public health crisis
The Zika virus could be India's next big public health crisis
The repeated outbreaks of dengue and chikungunya reveal our limited ability to prevent vector-borne diseases.At this juncture, it would be expedient to look at yet another threat that looms large on the horizon.The Zika virus could be India's next big public health crisis.

in the same way abc11

Vaccine for Zika virus being tested

Vaccine for Zika virus being tested
Vaccine for Zika virus being tested
Doctors at a lab in Philadelphia are testing a Zika virus vaccine approved for human trials.The vaccine is reportedly being tested in 40 people.Doctors said what makes this vaccine different is that it's entirely synthetic."Doesn't grow, can't replicate, can't spread to other individuals," said Dr. David Weiner of The Wistar Institute.

in like manner sciencedaily

Microcephaly case-control study confirms Zika virus causality -- ScienceDaily

Microcephaly case-control study confirms Zika virus causality -- ScienceDaily
Microcephaly case-control study confirms Zika virus causality -- ScienceDaily
The relation between Zika virus and microcephaly is widely assumed to be causal because of strong evidence of an association.However, evidence so far comes from case reports, case series, modelling studies, and preliminary reports from cohort studies - none of which have included appropriate control groups.Today, researchers from Brazil and the UK report the preliminary findings of the first case-control study examining the association between microcephaly and in utero Zika virus infection.

not to mention tampabay

Gov. Rick Scott authorizes $10M more to fight Zika virus

Gov. Rick Scott authorizes $10M more to fight Zika virus
Gov. Rick Scott authorizes $10M more to fight Zika virus
Rick Scott announced Friday morning that he had authorized an additional $10 million in state funds to fight the spread of the Zika virus.A total of $36.2 million will be allocated for mosquito control, enhanced laboratory capacity and the purchase of Zika prevention kits from the federal Centers for Disease Control.Two more local cases of Zika virus were confirmed Friday in Miami Beach, where a fifth sample of mosquitoes has tested positive for the virus.

by the same token on foxnews

Disney denies Zika virus impacting theme park business

Disney denies Zika virus impacting theme park business
Disney denies Zika virus impacting theme park business
In response to a recent survey about travelers avoiding Florida due to the Zika virus outbreak, the Walt Disney Co. announced Thursday that the mosquito-borne illness has not hurt its theme park business in Orlando.According to, a spokeswoman for Disney said that the company does not believe the Zika virus outbreak in regions of Florida had any "real impact on cancellations or future bookings." She reiterated remarks made by Disney CEO Bob Iger last month.But this was before cases of Zika were confirmed outside the Miami area.

Microcephaly case-control study confirms Zika virus causality -- ScienceDaily

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