Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Stop playing politics with Zika funding : philly

As it stated in philly

Stop playing politics with Zika funding

Stop playing politics with Zika funding
Stop playing politics with Zika funding
ISSUE | ZIKA VIRUSHealth over politicsCongress's inability to fund desperately needed Zika testing and research shows that ideological politics has become much more important to the GOP than dealing with critical health needs of U.S. citizens ("For Menendez, the Zika fear is real," Thursday).Though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it is nearly out of Zika funding, Republicans insist on excluding Planned Parenthood from funding for contraception, which can prevent transmission of the virus.Those members of Congress are willing to let women in Puerto Rico, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey struggle with the potential of becoming infected with the Zika virus and not knowing what to do should they become pregnant.

not to mention thehill

Playing politics with Zika funding puts Americans at risk

Playing politics with Zika funding puts Americans at risk
Playing politics with Zika funding puts Americans at risk
Earlier this year, President Obama asked Congress for $1.9 billion to fight Zika and Congress has yet to act.Instead of funding measures that could have helped stop the spread of Zika, congressional leaders sat on their hands, unable to agree on a funding package.While Congress continues to do nothing, more expectant mothers across the country are put at risk.

additionally thehill

Playing politics with Zika funding puts Americans at risk

Playing politics with Zika funding puts Americans at risk
Playing politics with Zika funding puts Americans at risk
Earlier this year, President Obama asked Congress for $1.9 billion to fight Zika and Congress has yet to act.Instead of funding measures that could have helped stop the spread of Zika, congressional leaders sat on their hands, unable to agree on a funding package.While Congress continues to do nothing, more expectant mothers across the country are put at risk.

Playing politics with Zika funding puts Americans at risk

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