Sunday, February 11, 2018

UV light probably help kill influenza virus

This conventional UV light is routinely used to decontaminate surgical tools. investigators had earlier hypothesised which a narrow spectrum of ultraviolet light called far-UVC can kill microbes without damaging healthful tissue. "however because viruses & pathogenic bacteria are much smaller than human cells, far-UVC light can reach their DNA & kill them," he said. In the research, aerosolized swine flu virus—a popular strain of influenza virus—was launched into a Analysis chamber & exposed to solow doses of 222 nanometres far-UVC light. The far-UVC light efficiently inactivated the influenza viruses, by about the same efficiency as conventional germicidal UV light.

Special type of ultraviolet light can kill influenza virus in public places

Special ultraviolet lamps perhaps be the solution to stopping 1 of the worse influenza seasons in years. Far ultraviolet-C (far-UVC) light can kill airborne influenza viruses without hurting humans, according to Fresh study. investigators at Columbia University tested the far-UVC light in a chamber which simulated the conditions of a public space & found which it effectively killed the influenza virus in the air. "however because viruses & pathogenic bacteria are much smaller than human cells, far-UVC light can reach their DNA & kill them."The investigators formerlytested far-UVC light on the MRSA superbug & announced which it killed the pathogenic bacteria without harming human skin. Brenner believes the light can kill off all strains of the influenza virus, as well as aftertime strains or other unknown airborne diseases.

Special type of ultraviolet light could kill flu virus in public places

Experimental influenza drug can kill the virus in 1 day

as informed in scholars in Japan said they have developed an experimental pill which kills the influenza virus in 24 hours, 3 times faster than what it takes Tamiflu to rid the virus in sick patients. Tamiflu is 1 of the generality Common drugs to treat people sick by the influenza. The drug works by blocking the influenza virus from hijacking other cells in the bodyShinogi, a Japanese pharmaceutical Inc., said the drugs fast response to killing off the virus is important because it lowers the danger of contagious it is. Shinogai's chief executive officerIsao Teshirogi said the compound works by blocking the influenza from hijacking other cells in the body, thus saving it from spreading. The World Health Administration told the outlet which the Shionogi & Co. compound can change How the influenza is treated.

collected by :Sandra Alex

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