Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Miami releases pathogenic bacteria-infective mosquitoes to help battle Zika

SOUTH MIAMI — Mosquitoes are a year-round downside to living in subtropical Miami, however millions of pathogenic bacteria-infective mosquitoes flying in a suburban neighborhood are being hailed as an innovation which probably kill off further bugs which spread Zika virus & other viruses. Miami-Dade province Mosquito Control & Habitat Management Division is releasing non-biting male mosquitoes infective by teh naturally occurring Wolbachia pathogenic bacteria to mate by wild female mosquitoes. The pathogenic bacteria aren't harmful to humans however going to protect any offspring produced while the laboratory-bred mosquitoes mate by wild female mosquitoes from surviving to puberty. This drives drop the inhabitance of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes which thrive in suburban & urban environments & can spread Zika virus, dengue & chikungunya. If MosquitoMate's bugs perform well in South Miami, Wolbachia can be added to regular mosquito control operations as a long-term preventative strategy, said Bill Petrie, Miami-Dade province's mosquito control chief.

Zika virus probably not be the just virus of its kind which could damage a fetus

Zika probably not be the black sheep of the family. Pregnant mice infective by West Nile or Powassan virus — both flaviviruses, such as Zika — too showed fetal harm. "This list saves growing & highlights the dangers from viruses which we aren't sofamiliar by."such as Zika, West Nile virus & Powassan virus are neurotropic, meaning these pathogens target nerve cells. West Nile virus & Powassan virus too replicated, or multiplied, further efficiently than the alphaviruses in laboratory samples of human placental tissue. Zika, West Nile & Powassan share similarities in their geneticaldata, Miner tells.

Zika may not be the only virus of its kind that can damage a fetus

Britain warns which travelers are at danger of Zika in Nigeria

as informed in The English health authorities have classified Nigeria as having a danger of Zika commute & warned travellers especially it's citizens to take needful precautions while visiting the country. 1 of such precautionary steps is to avert getting pregnant while in Nigeria. A statement on the dangers associated by Zika in Nigeria was obtained on Tuesday by our correspondent from the United Kingdom's National Travel Health Network & Centre & Foreign & Commonwealth Office websites. The Britain Gov. said concerning the possibility danger, "This country is considered to have a moderate danger of Zika commute. "ladies ought avert becoming pregnant while travelling in, & for eight weeks after leaving an ambit by active ZIKV commute or eight weeks after final possible ZIKV exposure.

collected by :Lucy William

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