Thursday, February 1, 2018

Miami launches pathogenic bacteria-infective mosquitoes to battle Zika

The Miami-Dade province website launched a statement that declares that the Wolbachia infective mosquitoes going to be launched in South Miami to battle Zika. The Analysis is in cooperationby the Miami-Dade province Mosquito Control & Habitat Management Division. Wolbachia is a naturally-occurring bacterium present in up to 60 % of all the different species of insects around America, mosquitoes involved. investigators disclosed that while infective male mosquitoes mated by non-infective females, the eggs did'nt hatch, hence reducing mosquito populations. A 1-half-square-mile curing ambit & a similarly-sized control ambit going to be designated within the City of South Miami.

Zika virus probably not be the just virus of its kind which could damage a fetus

Zika probably not be the black sheep of the family. Pregnant mice infective by West Nile or Powassan virus — both flaviviruses, such as Zika — too showed fetal harm. "This list saves growing & highlights the dangers from viruses which we aren't sofamiliar by."such as Zika, West Nile virus & Powassan virus are neurotropic, meaning these pathogens target nerve cells. West Nile virus & Powassan virus too replicated, or multiplied, further efficiently than the alphaviruses in laboratory samples of human placental tissue. Zika, West Nile & Powassan share similarities in their geneticaldata, Miner tells.

Zika may not be the only virus of its kind that can damage a fetus

Relatives of Zika probably too cause birth defects: research - Xinhua

As it stated in (Xinhua/Estefan Radovicz/Agencia o Dia/AGENCIA ESTADO)WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- Relatives of the Zika, especially West Nile, could spread from an infective pregnant mouse to her fetuses, causing brain damage & fetal dying, investigators said Wednesday. "however our findings propose which it is possible which viruses linked to Zika, like West Nile, pose the same danger to emerging fetuses which Zika does," Miner said. The investigators said it's difficult to evidence a correlation among West Nile & birth defects because the number of statuses is smaller & contagions are further sporadic. West Nile infects thousands of people every year in the U.S.. "I do not need people to think which we're telling West Nile is definitely a menace to pregnant ladies & their babies," Miner said.

laboratory-engineered mosquitoes going to battle the Zika

MIAMI — Thousands of pathogenic bacteria-infective mosquitoes going to be flying near Miami to Analysis a Fresh method to suppress insect populations which tote Zika virus & other viruses. According to a statement from the Kentucky-based Inc. MosquitoMate, the premier mosquitoes going to be launched in the city of South Miami. MosquitoMate infects male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes by the naturally occurring Wolbachia pathogenic bacteria. Any offspring produced while the laboratory-bred mosquitoes mate by wild female mosquitoes won't survive to puberty. Male mosquitoes don't bite, & Wolbachia isn't harmful to humans.

Lab-engineered mosquitoes will fight the Zika virus

collected by :Sandra Alex

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