Friday, October 6, 2017

Zika status premier in 2017; Officials suspicious virus acquired in Cameron County

The premier probable caseof the Zika being acquired locally this year has been approved in Cameron County, according to health authorities. County health officials on Thursday announced the status incloudes a Laguna Heights inhabitant who sought Analyzing at a province clinic. The individual is believed to have contracted the virus out of a mosquito bite. Clinical Analysis results display which this man probably have had the virus 2-3 months ago & it is no longer active in her system," said Dr. James W. Castillo, Cameron province Health Authority. The health section continues to Determine up mosquito traps around the ambit to Analysis mosquitoes for the Zika — & they are spraying for mosquitoes to protect aftertime cases, officials said.

Zika status premier in 2017

BROWNSVILLE — The premier probable status in 2017 of the Zika being acquired locally has been approved in Cameron County, according to health authorities. County health officials on Thursday announced the status incloudes a Laguna Heights inhabitant who sought Analyzing at a province clinic. The health section continues to Determine up mosquito traps around the ambit to Analysis mosquitoes for the Zika — & they are spraying for mosquitoes to protect aftertime cases, officials said. The Zika is transmitted primarily out of a bite from an infective mosquito. "We encourage everyone to still to educate themselves & be vigilant about eliminating the danger of Zika," said Esmeralda Guajardo, health administrator.

Zika case first in 2017

Cameron province approves premier locally acquired Zika virus status in 2017

as mentioned in The Cameron province section of Health & Human Services reported Thursday the premier locally acquired probable Zika status in 2017 in the county. The Cameron province section of Health & Human Services reported Thursday the premier locally acquired probable Zika status in 2017. According to a break news release from the department, the status incloudes a female inhabitant from Laguna Heights who reported to a public health dispensary for Zika testing. Cameron province Health Authority Dr. James W. Castillo stated in a break news release:"Based on the data which we have, the source of the commute appears to be mosquito-borne which took place various months ago. Health officials encourage the public to educate themselves on Zika & remind pregnant ladies to get tested for the virus.

collected by :Lucy William

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