Friday, October 6, 2017

Officials report a 21% down in Fresh HIV virus statuses between gay men

New statuses of HIV virus between gay & bisexual men have been slashed with 21 per cent in only a year, formal Fresh information shows. Government figures display there were only 2,810 statuses of HIV virus between gay & bisexual men in 2016 - drop from the 3,570 recorded the year before. 'It is the premier time ever ever the beginning of the HIV virus epidemic in the 1980s which we have observed a decline in Fresh HIV virus diagnoses between gay & bisexual men.' Gay & bisexual men are generality susceptible to catching HIV virus because anal sex totes a ten times higher danger of contagion than vaginal. Gay men at high danger because their partner has HIV virus are This time tested every 3 months, & are immediately offered anti-viral drugs if they Analysis positive.

HIV averages climbing between over-50s in Britain & Europe, investigators warn

"High prevalence areas are spending a 3rd less on HIV virus protection than they were 2 years ago, & it's targeted services which are suffering most. "I think there is Extremely tiny publicity around HIV virus in Europe This time which prevalence & incidence have gone down."Dr Dillner's health dilemmas: ought I have an HIV virus test? Read moreThe Fresh contagions were further often caused with heterosexual sex, she thought, because the gay society was far further aware of the risks. Tavoschi tells which HIV virus services necessity to be geared up to the needs of this age group. "Our findings illustrate a clear necessity to provide comprehensive HIV virus protection programmes, including education, access to condoms, better Analyzing opportunities, & treatment, targeted towards older adults across Europe," she said.

HIV rates climbing among over-50s in UK and Europe, researchers warn

Rise in HIV virus diagnoses between people over 50 in Europe

as informed in (CNN) 1 in every 6 statuses of HIV virus in Europe is diagnosed in people over the age of 50, a Fresh research has found. Between 2004 & 2015, the number of Fresh HIV virus diagnoses increased by 2.1% each year between this age group, by people over 50 accounting for 17.3% of Fresh HIV virus statuses diagnosed in Europe in 2015. "We see a steady promote in the number of Fresh (HIV) diagnoses between older adults in the region." The average of HIV virus diagnosis between people over 50 increased in 16 countries, including Germany, Ireland & Belgium, & reliefed in only 1 country, Portugal. While 2.5 people per 100,000 over the age of 50 were diagnosed by HIV virus in these 31 countries in 2015, 10.4 people per 100,000 under 50 were diagnosed which same year -- 4 times higher.

collected by :Lucy William

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