Monday, October 2, 2017

In US, spread of Zika virus related to time spent outdoors

Marco Ajelli's Fresh study proposes the Zika virus epidemic can spread much faster in proven areas, because of the amount of time people spend outside. What Ajelli found was which the amount of time people spend outdoors influences their danger for contracting the Zika virus virus. That's because, in the United States generality Zika virus contagions are contracted with people outdoors. According to Ajelli, the vast majority of Zika virus contagions in the United States have been contracted with people outdoors. It showed Zika virus would infect few people—predominantly those who spend Big amounts of time outdoors—but would spread quickly between which specific population.

In US, spread of Zika virus related to time outdoors

What Ajelli found was which the amount of time people spend outdoors influences their danger for contracting the Zika virus virus. Most United States Zika virus contagions happen outdoorsAjelli conducted a survey of 280 Miami-Dade inhabitants & found the vast majority of people spend less than 1 hour per day outside. That's because, in the United States generality Zika virus contagions are contracted with people outdoors. According to Ajelli, the vast majority of Zika virus contagions in the United States have been contracted with people outdoors. It showed Zika virus would infect few people--predominantly those who spend Big amounts of time outdoors--but would spread quickly between which specific population.

In US, spread of Zika linked to time outdoors

Zika | the microcéphalies would be related to a single mutation

according to Dengue fever | the reason patients don't have all of the symptoms

collected by :Lucy William

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