Thursday, October 5, 2017

HIV statuses between gay & bisexual men down for the premier time as Specialists hail 'significant advance'

The downward trend was boosted by London, traditionally an ambit of high prevalence, where Fresh statuses between gay & bisexual men fell 29 per cent. Health officials said the got better photo was because of further regular & frequent testing, as well as quicker diagnosis & treatment. But the Terrence Higgins Trust, that campaigns on behalf of HIV virus patients, said access to the controversial Fresh drug PrEP (preexposure prophylaxis), that the NHS has been legally obliged to begain funding, would too contribute to the fall in cases. The medication, that is taken in pill form before sex, lowers the danger of contagion by approximately 86 per cent. It is expensive, however, & other patient groups, like those by uncommon cancers, have said funding for their treatments have suffered because of its cost.

New statuses of HIV virus have fallen with 21%

New statuses of HIV, between gay & bisexual men, have safely dropped for the premier time. Public Health Britain (PHE) tell there has been a 21% fall in the number of people newly diagnosed by HIV virus - the biggest decline on record. "PrEP is a course of HIV virus drugs taken by HIV virus negative people before sex to lower the chance of getting HIV," the Terrance Higgins Trust tells on its website. Results in trials have been Extremely successful, by PrEP safely lowering the danger of becoming HIV virus positive & without great side effects." "HIV diagnoses in gay & bisexual men, 1 of the groups generality affected, are declining; showing what could be achieved while we utilise all the weapons in our arsenal versus HIV virus transmission.

New cases of HIV have fallen by 21%

Number of HIV virus statuses in Ireland up with 5% final year, HSE says

referring to The Health Service Executive has announced a 5 per cent promote in the number of people diagnosed by HIV virus in Ireland final year. There were 508 Fresh diagnoses of HIV virus in 2016, by the total number of HIV virus diagnoses increasing by 5 per cent among 2015 & 2016. This was the largest number of diagnoses ever announced in MSM, that remembers the subgroup generality influenced by HIV virus in Ireland. "The HSE recommends that all HIV virus infective individuals engage by & attend HIV virus services in Ireland promptly Extremely that they are offered antiretroviral medication as recently as possible. Among the HIV virus diagnoses in 2016, 2 people were announced to have died at the time of HIV virus notification, 1 male & 1 female.

New HIV virus statuses down with 21 % as controversial PrEP prophylactic drug Utilize spreads

According to experts, quicker Analyzing & faster curing coupled by the Utilize of PrEP, a controversial drug which could protect those exposed to HIV virus from getting infective could be the root the reason reduction innew HIV virus cases. (Photo: AFP)A Fresh information shows which Fresh statuses of HIV virus between gay & bisexual men have been slashed by 21 per cent in juts a year. According to Gov. figures in the UK, there were only 2,810 statuses of HIV virus between gay & bisexual men in 2016 - drop from the 3,570 recorded the year before. Gay & bisexual men are generality susceptible to catching HIV virus because anal intercourse totes ten times the greater danger of contagion than vaginal sex. This is because of cells in the anus being further susceptible to HIV, as well as fluid in semen & the anus' lining toting further HIV virus than vaginal secretions.

New HIV cases drop by 21 percent as controversial PrEP prophylactic drug use spreads

collected by :Lucy William

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