Sunday, October 1, 2017

Health Minister sees Fresh ARV drug as breakthrough in battle versus HIV

The ARV, called dolutegravir, has far fewer side-effects than current drugs & is safer, cheaper & further efficient as HIV virus cannot develop resistance to it. Last Friday, Motsoaledi reported at the UN General Assembly in N.Y. that a breakthrough pricing licence had been reached to accelerate the availability of the premier affordable, generic, single-pill HIV virus curing drug. "It's cheaper & affordable, however generality importantly it has has far fewer side-effects, that means people tolerate it. Rolling out the drug was particularly significant for South Africa as the country "has the biggest ARVs (supply) in the world". "Anybody who is selling ARVs cannot easy survive in the international market without the involvement of South Africa.

One in 6 Fresh HIV virus patients in Europe are seniors

We must talk about HIV virus & secure sex by older adults. In Europe, 1 in 6 Fresh statuses of HIV virus are people over age 50, investigators from the European Centre for illness protection & Control (ECDC) announced this week. The study, that analyzed information from 31 European countries over twelve years, found a steady promote in diagnoses for older adults contracting HIV. In the United States, the Centers for illness Control tells that in 2014 about 45% of Americans by announced HIV virus were 50 & older. Companies such as Act versus AIDS' Let's Stop HIV virus Together programme focus parts of their campaign on older adults to ensure awareness, however much further needs to be done.

One in six new HIV patients in Europe are seniors

Rise in Fresh HIV virus statuses in over-50s - study

as declared in Image copyright Terrence Higgins Trust Image caption Bernie McDade, 67, living by HIV virus ever ever 2014An increasing number of older people are being diagnosed by HIV virus across Europe, according to a Fresh study. Researchers from the European Centre for illness protection & Control looked at diagnosis averages in 31 countries among 2004 & 2015. The research proposes 16 countries, including the Britain & Germany, have all seen a height in statuses in over-50s. Study author Dr Anastasia Pharris said: "We often associate HIV virus by younger people who are sexually active, we assume sexually active means young people. Lead author Dr Lara Tavoschi said: "Our findings illustrate a clear necessity to provide comprehensive HIV virus protection programmes, including education, access to condoms, better Analyzing opportunities, & treatment.

collected by :Lucy William

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