Monday, October 2, 2017

A lady died of a flesh-eating contagion from Hurricane Harvey floodwaters

A Texas lady died earlier this 30 days after contracting a flesh-eating contagion from floodwaters brought with Hurricane Harvey, according to health officials in Houston. The Harris province Institute of Forensic Sciences said that Reed died Sept. 15 of necrotizing fasciitis, "complicating blunt trauma of an upper extremity." Her dying marks the 36th fatality in the U.S. that has been connected to Hurricane Harvey, according to the Houston Chronicle. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there are about 700 to 1,100 statuses of necrotizing fasciitis caused with group A strep each year in the United States. Health officials tell prompt medicinal care, that could involve antibiotics or surgery, is crucial to save the deathly contagion from spreading.

A lady survived a fall into Hurricane Harvey's floodwaters — just to die of a flesh-eating infection

A Texas lady died earlier this 30 days after contracting a flesh-eating contagion from floodwaters brought with Hurricane Harvey, according to health officials in Houston. "This is 1 of the things we'd been worrisome about once the flooding began, which something such as this perhaps occur. The contagion which killed her, necrotizing fasciitis, spreads swiftly, destroying the body's soft tissues, & recently after, could lead to death, according to the Centers for illness Control & Prevention. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates which there are about 700 to 1,100 statuses of necrotizing fasciitis caused with group A strep each year in the United States. As The Washington Post's Ben Guarino reported, after Hurricane Katrina ravaged Fresh Orleans in 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced 30 statuses of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, between a group which had been evacuated & sent to a shelter in Dallas.

A woman survived a fall into Hurricane Harvey's floodwaters — only to die of a flesh-eating infection

Frisco lady survives West Nile infection

as declared in Almost 2 months ago, doctors tell Crain had contracted the neuro-invasive West Nile virus. Joy wants people to see what West Nile could do. Joy said she didn't think anything of the West Nile virus before her experience. Dr. Tran tells a 3rd of West Nile patients don't recover & another 3rd recover fully. The Center for illness Control tells a better method to avert the West Nile virus is to premier protect mosquito bites.

collected by :Lucy William

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