Saturday, September 30, 2017

U.S. deactivates contingency response for Zika - Xinhua

Source: Xinhua| 2017-09-30 02:55:30|Editor: yanVideo Player CloseWASHINGTON, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. has deactivated its contingency response for the Zika to transition efforts to normal programme operations, the U.S. CDC (CDC) said Friday. "Zika continues to be a public health menace in the U.S. & internationally," it said. The CDC activated its contingency Operations Center on Jan. 22, 2016 in response to the destructive influences of Zika contagion during pregnancy. A team of Specialists called the Zika Coordination & Operations Transition Team going to lead the transition to routine, long-term activities, the agency said. Currently, there is no licensed pollen to protect illness caused with Zika infection.

The history of Zika virus virus

The history of Zika virusThe height in the spread of Zika has been accompanied by a height in statuses of microcephaly & Guillain-Barré syndrome. There are currently various countries experiencing Zika outbreaks. Zika digital timelineThe Zika digital timeline illustrates the history of the illness by interactive videos, infographics, GIFs, maps, illness outbreak news, documents, researches & reality sheets. 1 / three 1947: scholars conducting routine surveillance for yellow fever in the Zika forest of Uganda isolate the Zika in samples taken from a captive, sentinel rhesus monkey. Prior to this event, no outbreaks & just 14 statuses of human Zika illness had been documented worldwide.

The history of Zika virus

Low-cost Analysis to pinpoint Zika virus virus

according to A Fresh Analysis that resembles a pregnancy indicator strip could help announce Zika & dengue fever viruses in blood, according to a research that used serum samples from various countries including India. Serum samplesResearchers checked the accuracy of the Analysis by Analyzing blood serum samples taken from people in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, India, Mexico & Panama. The paper-strip Analysis contains antibodies that react to the presence of Zika or dengue fever virus, & gold nanoparticles that respond to the antibody reaction. "In the light of the crises by the Zika causing microcephaly & other defects in babies born to infective mothers, it is important that a pregnant lady know if her fever is caused by Zika or dengue fever virus," said Lee Gehrke, a professor at MIT. The team developed the Fresh Analysis because current Analyzing products sometimes cross-react among Zika & dengue, providing a false positive for Zika while the patient in reality has the other virus.

CDC deactivates contingency response for Zika virus virus

GEORGIA (CLARKSVILLENOW) – The Centers for illness Control (CDC) is deactivating its contingency response for Zika to transition efforts to normal programme operations on September 29, 2017. On January 22, 2016, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention activated its contingency Operations Center (EOC) in response to the destructive influences of Zika contagion during pregnancy. As a reminder, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends travelers to areas by a danger of Zika take steps to protect Zika by protecting mosquito bites & sexual commute of Zika during & after travel. CDC continues to recommend which pregnant ladies avert travel to areas by danger of Zika. For further data on Zika, visit

CDC deactivates emergency response for Zika virus

Once harmless, the Zika became lethal after a single genetic mutation took hold around 2013

The Chinese investigators too came lock to pinpointing the time at that the Zika graduated from unwelcome pest case to an international scourge. By March 2015, the Zika had arrived in Brazil & was circulating widely there. The recorded history of the Zika posed a secret for modern-day public health investigators & officials. Or had the Zika acquired an ominous mutation before hitting the Americas? Then they infective human neural progenitor cells — the forerunners of mature human brain cells — by the Zika strain bearing that single mutation.

collected by :Sandra Alex

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