Saturday, September 30, 2017

Preventing Zika virus from being transmitted to fetus is goal of Fresh NIH grant to Hawaii

New funding awarded to the University of Hawaii (UH) probably lead to solution to a involuntary dilemma -- a method to protect the Zika in pregnant ladies from being transmitted to the fetus. "We need to understand the method the Zika is transmitted to the fetus, the method the virus affects pregnancies & the method Zika contagion could impair infants, causing developmental delays & physical disorders," said Dr. Kumar. He too going to examine whether the timing of Zika contagion during pregnancy affects the ability of the virus to cause fetal developmental abnormalities. Several statuses of Zika have been announced in Hawaii. UH-JABSOM scholars previously documented the premier status of congenital Zika contagion in the U.S. (born in Hawai?i) in December 2015.

Science by Chris Smith: Faster Zika virus diagnosis by Fresh technology

US investigators have developed a portable device which could diagnose a Zika contagion within 20 minutes. They tell the Fresh Analysis accurately diagnose Zika & dengue fever contagions — & could tell the 2 mosquito-borne viruses apart. In 2015 an outbreak of the Zika in Latin US caused thousands of babies to be born by underdeveloped brains. RN Breakfast's science correspondent, Chris Smith, joins Fran Kelly by all the latest break news from the world of science.

Science with Chris Smith: Faster Zika diagnosis with new technology

Zika was a mild bug. A Fresh discovery shows the method it turned monstrous.

referring to Everything you ever wanted to know about the Zika & its spread across North & South America. Their study shows which a change of a single amino acid — likely occurring sometime in 2013 — created a Fresh strain of Zika much further dangerous to emerging brain cells. It was a single amino acid called serine that, while replaced with another amino acid called asparagine, caused the destructive effect. Once the group isolated the protein change responsible, they checked versus strains from Former eras to see while the amino acid mutation premier appeared. Their generality urgent task This time is to develop a working pollen for Zika before the following outbreak occurs.

collected by :Lucy William

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