Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kildare Nationalist — Survey finds nearly a 5th of HIV virus positive people have felt suicidal in final twelve months

17% of HIV virus positive people tell they have felt suicidal in the final year, according to HIV virus Ireland. The survey of people living by the illness too found high standards of smirch remember in relation to HIV virus between the general public. It shows 20% of 18-to-24-year-olds thought HIV virus could be transmitted by the sharing of a public toilet seat. The organisation is calling for additional funding to promote awareness. HIV Ireland's executive director, Niall Mulligan, tells he is shocked which Extremely many HIV virus carriers feel suicidal.

'I'm generality angry at myself': HIV virus positive people still to suffer from smirch in Ireland

ALMOST 1 IN 5 HIV virus positive people in Ireland tell they have felt suicidal in the final year. The HIV virus in Ireland survey 2017, that going to launch this morning, has found that smirch continues to have a significant influence on people living by the condition in this country. Some 1,013 people replied to the general survey & 168 people replied to the survey specifically for people living by HIV. "Negative or misinformed attitudes to HIV, & towards people living by HIV, could innovate obstacles for people getting tested. The one-day HIV virus Ireland conference taking place today going to probe the history of HIV, smirch & social inclusion, homelessness, sex work, the LGBT community, the migrant community, & people living by HIV virus in Ireland ever ever 1987.

'I'm most angry at myself': HIV positive people continue to suffer from stigma in Ireland

Rise in HIV virus diagnoses between people over 50 in Europe

referring to (CNN) 1 in every 6 statuses of HIV virus in Europe is diagnosed in people over the age of 50, a Fresh research has found. Between 2004 & 2015, the number of Fresh HIV virus diagnoses increased by 2.1% each year between this age group, by people over 50 accounting for 17.3% of Fresh HIV virus statuses diagnosed in Europe in 2015. "We see a steady promote in the number of Fresh (HIV) diagnoses between older adults in the region." The average of HIV virus diagnosis between people over 50 increased in 16 countries, including Germany, Ireland & Belgium, & reliefed in only 1 country, Portugal. While 2.5 people per 100,000 over the age of 50 were diagnosed by HIV virus in these 31 countries in 2015, 10.4 people per 100,000 under 50 were diagnosed which same year -- 4 times higher.

collected by :Lucy William

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