Saturday, September 30, 2017

Chembio’s Zika virus Analysis confirmed for contingency Utilize after hurricanes

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Low-cost Analysis to pinpoint Zika virus virus

A Fresh Analysis that resembles a pregnancy indicator strip could help announce Zika & dengue fever viruses in blood, according to a research that used serum samples from various countries including India. Serum samplesResearchers checked the accuracy of the Analysis by Analyzing blood serum samples taken from people in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, India, Mexico & Panama. The paper-strip Analysis contains antibodies that react to the presence of Zika or dengue fever virus, & gold nanoparticles that respond to the antibody reaction. "In the light of the crises by the Zika causing microcephaly & other defects in babies born to infective mothers, it is important that a pregnant lady know if her fever is caused by Zika or dengue fever virus," said Lee Gehrke, a professor at MIT. The team developed the Fresh Analysis because current Analyzing products sometimes cross-react among Zika & dengue, providing a false positive for Zika while the patient in reality has the other virus.

Low-cost test to pinpoint Zika virus

Cheap, fast Analysis for Zika virus & dengue fever can cost only $1

as declared in Anew blood Analysis could cheaply & quickly distinguish among the mosquito-borne Zika virus & dengue fever viruses, investigators announced Wednesday, giving public health officials a valuable tool to track the spread of outbreaks & prepare for the possible consequences of the different infections. advertisementThe crisis is which Zika virus & dengue fever are similar; by some tests, the viruses "cross-react," meaning which a dengue fever sample perhaps Production a positive Zika virus test. Zika & the 4 strains of dengue fever each cause infective cells to release a slightly different version of a protein called NS1. For the test, antibodies which could uniquely identify those specific Zika virus or dengue fever NS1 proteins are embedded onto a paper strip, along by gold nanoparticles. The investigators too said they outline to apply the platform they used to build the Zika virus & dengue fever Analysis to come up by diagnostic tests for other viruses.

New Analysis rapidly diagnoses Zika

MIT investigators have developed a paper-based Analysis which could diagnose Zika contagion within 20 minutes. Unlike existing tests, the Fresh diagnostic doesn't cross-react by dengue fever virus, a lock relative of the Zika which could Production false positives on many Zika tests. "It's important to have a single Analysis which could differentiate among the 4 serotypes of dengue fever & Zika, because they co-circulate. The investigators worked by scholars around the world to Analysis the Fresh device on patient samples & approved which it could accurately distinguish Zika from linked viruses. Flaviviruses involve West Nile virus & the virus which causes yellow fever, as well as dengue fever virus.

New test rapidly diagnoses Zika

collected by :Lucy William

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