Wednesday, May 10, 2017

nih : reported that Cell particles may help spread HIV infection, NIH study suggests

About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Cell particles may help spread HIV infection, NIH study suggestsNIAIDHIV appears to enlist the aid of nano-sized structures released by infected cells to infect new cells, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. NIH scientists discovered that cells infected with HIV appear to produce EVs that manipulate prospective host cells to pass infection to other cells. When released by cells, both EVs and HIV take with them many proteins found in the cell membrane, Dr. Margolis explained. While EVs lack the HIV RNA to infect a cell, the researchers theorize that the gp120 on the EV surface can interact with the host cell, allowing HIV to infect it more easily.

Mothers living with HIV with high CD4+ counts may benefit from continuing ART postpartum

Mothers living with HIV with high CD4+ counts may benefit from continuing ART postpartum

HIV may cause emphysema by hijacking stem cells

MMP-9 levels in cells exposed to heat-inactivated HIV were comparable to those in control cells, the researchers said. Likewise, MMP-9 secretion increased by 10 ng/mL in cells exposed to HIV and 6% CSE, compared with 4.1 ng/mL in control cells (P < .001). The virus reprograms the stem cells, called basal cells, to produce enzymes that can destroy lung tissue, they wrote in Cell Reports. BACKGROUND: While highly active antiretroviral therapy has dramatically improved the survival of HIV–infected individuals, there is an increased risk for other comorbidities such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, manifesting as emphysema …HIV may cause emphysema when it bonds to and manipulates airway stem cells, according to researchers. Citing previous data that showed MMP-9 was present in lung areas affected by emphysema, they said that HIV could be a cause for the disease via production of the protease.

collected by :Lucy William
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