Thursday, May 11, 2017

National news: ‘Near-normal’ life expectancy for young HIV patients (From Dudley News) stat : dudleynews

DOCTORS have praised the 'tremendous medical achievement' which means young people with HIV can now expect a near-normal life expectancy. However, when all age groups are considered, life expectancy for people with HIV is still lower than the general population. The new study used data for 88,504 people with HIV who started antiretroviral treatment between 1996 and 2010 from 18 European and North American studies. A study in The Lancet HIV medical journal found that advances in antiretroviral drugs now give young people with the disease a chance to live well into old age. Medical advances now mean that people with HIV live long and healthy lives."However, he said that people aged over 50 now represent one in three of all those living with HIV.

National news: 'Near-normal' life expectancy for young HIV patients (From Dudley News)
New treatment gives normal life expectancy to young HIV patientsSome HIV patients could now have near-normal life expectancy because of advancements in treatments.

New treatment gives normal life expectancy to young HIV patients
When compared with patients who were not treated with ART, the life expectancy had increased by around a decade in these patients. The life expectancy was not increased much in HIV patients who inject drugs, compared with other groups. The study outcomes suggest that a 20-year-old patient might approach the same life expectancy as the general population (approx. Consequently, the life expectancy of 20-year-old HIV patients treated with ART increased by 9 years for women and by 10 years for men in the EU and North America during the period 1996 and 2013. When comparing to patients who started treatment between 1996 and 2007, fewer patients who had started treatment between 2008 and 2010 died during the first three years of the treatment.

collected by :Lucy William
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