Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Doctor Warns Pregnant Women of Zika Virus Effects stat : KRGV

CORPUS CHRISTI – A Corpus Christi-based doctor said he's seeing more pregnant mothers being diagnosed with the Zika virus. Rio Grande Valley health officials said it's only a matter of time before local mosquitos start spreading the Zika virus again. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends pregnant women get tested for the virus in both their first and second trimester. Zika can be contracted from a mosquito bite or from a sexual partner that's been infected with the virus. The Texas Health and Human Services recommends you to get tested for Zika if you develop any of these symptoms.

Doctor Warns Pregnant Women of Zika Virus Effects
Aedes mosquitoes carry Zika virus and other tropical viruses such as chikungunya and dengue fever. For more information visit Florida Health / Zika By Bob LaMendola – Florida Department of Health in Broward CountyFT. LAUDERDALE – Rainy season is right around the corner and that means one thing – protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes and the Zika virus. Inside the home, Aedes can breed where water collects, such as refrigerator ice makers, electric toothbrush holders and drips under sinks. The bug to watch for is the Aedes mosquito, a small biter that is black with white spots and lives right outside or inside your house.

Tips To Protect Yourself From The Zika Virus
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