Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Scientists Develop A Cheap, Smartphone-Based Zika Virus Testing Technique quoting : The Daily Dot

Researchers at Sandia National Labs have come up with a diagnostic test for Zika that's smaller and cheaper than current testing equipment. But what about those who may not be able to afford a doctor's lab tests or clinics unable to afford costly testing equipment in the first place? Many a world traveler questioned their tropical vacation plans last year after the mosquito-borne Zika virus started making headlines. This technique is leagues cheaper than current testing solutions, whose equipment can cost upwards of $20,000. In this case, the app and LAMP box could be used to check not only for Zika but also dengue and chikungunya.

Scientists Develop A Cheap, Smartphone-Based Zika Virus Testing Technique
Malaria and Zika: Can a Live Chicken in Your Bedroom Protect You From Both?

The Zika Virus – Analysis – Eurasia Review

In the last two years, the Zika virus has commanded worldwide attention due to particular risks to pregnant women. 6 The Washington Post, "Cuba Reports Remarkable Success in Containing Zika Virus." (accessed 11 October 2016). 2 World Health Organization, "International Health Regulations (IHR) Procedures Concerning Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC)." (accessed 10 October 2016). For instance, in 2016, the WHO came up with the Zika Strategic Response Plan to guide the continuing international response and joint actions against Zika virus infection. Endnotes:1 World Health Organization, "Fact Sheet on Zika Virus".

collected by :Sandra Alex
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