Monday, February 13, 2017

New support for HIV in the North stat : examiner

A new program will offer support to people in North and North-West Tasmania who live with or are at risk of contracting HIV. The Tasmanian Council on AIDS, Hepatitis and Related Diseases will facilitate the TasCAHRD Rural project. People living with HIV in rural Northern communities will benefit from a new program. The pilot project will also look to develop a network for education about preventing HIV and provide training for organisations in rural communities to better service LGBTI people. "The stigma is much more prevalent, on top of that, if you are HIV positive … lots of that comes from lack of education and lack of information in the community."She said there were about 80 men living with HIV in North and North-West Tasmania.

New support for HIV in the North
When his relationship ended on sour terms, Suttle's former partner filed charges against him for allegedly not disclosing his HIV status. Currently, it is a felony in California to knowingly infect someone with HIV, regardless of whether the sexual encounter was consensual. The co-authors of this bill, known as SB 239, stress that knowingly infecting someone with HIV through sexual assault would remain covered under existing laws. In some instances, prosecutors have used HIV status against plaintiffs to add extra penalties, even when this same standard would not be applied to someone with a different STD. Furthermore, evidence suggests that HIV criminalization laws tend to impact women and racial minorities far more than white males.

New California Bill Aims To Decriminalize HIV
Today Future Science Group announces the publication of an article in Future Virology highlighting the clinical complications associated with antiretroviral therapy in Chinese HIV/ Tuberculosis (TB) coinfected patients. There are hopes that these findings will help educate physicians treating patients with HIV/ Tuberculosis especially after initiating combination antiretroviral therapy. In HIV infected individuals, coinfection with TB advances HIV to AIDS. Commissioning Editor for Future Virology, Frances Adlam commented: "This study addresses the important clinical problem of continued high mortality in HIV/TB coinfected patients and contains data especially applicable to resource limited settings." As per the recommended guidelines by the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, it is advised that these patients receive anti-tubercular treatment followed by timely initiation of combination antiretroviral therapy.

collected by :Lucy William
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