Friday, February 17, 2017

Ministry instructs strong measures to prevent H7N9 avian flu according to : News VietNam Net

Ministry instructs strong measures to prevent H7N9 avian flu
Since January, at least 269 H7N9 human infections have been reported in China, with at least 87 fatalities. The virus was found in 40 percent of live poultry markets this month, compared with 10 percent in September. Zhejiang, with 35 human infections and 11 fatalities in January, is suffering the worst epidemic in three years. The commission has also ordered a ban on the live poultry trade in places where H7N9 cases have been reported. Live poultry sales have also been suspended in Xiamen, Suzhou and several cities in Hunan and Sichuan provinces.

Vietnam proactive to prevent A/H7N9 avian flu

collected by :Sandra Alex
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