Thursday, February 2, 2017

Map of Zika virus reveals how it shifts as it matures according to : sciencedaily

This was collected by Lucy William

We will quote to you the news of the best health sites Like : "sciencedaily" and the most famous medical experts :

daily : 2017-02-02 & on time : 16:13

As it stated in

Zika virus blindfolds immune alarm cells: Interferon signaling disrupted in dendritic cells -- ScienceDaily

Zika virus blindfolds immune alarm cells: Interferon signaling disrupted in dendritic cells -- ScienceDaily
image uploaded by "sciencedaily" site
Gatekeeper immune cells are fighting Zika virus with an arm tied behind their backs, scientists from Emory Vaccine Center report.Dendritic cells are "sentinel" cells that alert the rest of the immune system when they detect viral infection.When Zika virus infects them, it shuts down interferon signaling, one route for mustering the antiviral troops.
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Map of Zika virus reveals how it shifts as it matures

Map of Zika virus reveals how it shifts as it matures
image uploaded by "sciencenews" site
Before an immature Zika virus becomes infectious, it does some major remodeling.In a fledgling virus particle, the inner protein and RNA core (shown in dark blue above, right) forms bridges to the membrane layer that surrounds it.As the virus matures, the core shuffles around and the bridges melt away (below, right).
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