Friday, January 6, 2017

prnewswire : declared in F Without Fear is Message of New Los Angeles LGBT Center Campaign to Reduce HIV Infection Rate by

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daily : 2017-01-06 & on time : 16:11

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F Without Fear is Message of New Los Angeles LGBT Center Campaign to Reduce HIV Infection Rate by

F Without Fear is Message of New Los Angeles LGBT Center Campaign to Reduce HIV Infection Rate by
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"It's widely believed that a two-pronged approach is what will be most effective at ending the transmission of HIV in the U.S.," said Robert Bolan M.D., Los Angeles LGBT Center chief medical officer."Quickly linking newly diagnosed HIV positive people to care can reduce or eliminate the risk they can transmit the virus; it's the same treatment effect for people who have been living with HIV for a while or a long time.Then if HIV uninfected people who are most at-risk of infection successfully protect themselves from the virus, we can effectively end HIV transmission here.
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F Without Fear is Message of New Los Angeles LGBT Center Campaign to Reduce HIV Infection Rate by Promoting PrEP

F Without Fear is Message of New Los Angeles LGBT Center Campaign to Reduce HIV Infection Rate by Promoting PrEP
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LOS ANGELES, Jan. 6, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- F*ck w/out Fear is the message of a new campaign by the Los Angeles LGBT Center, officially launching on Sunday, January 8, to raise awareness for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as a safe and effective tool to prevent HIV infection.PrEP involves taking a medicine once-daily that, if used correctly, has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to 99 percent.1Those most at risk of HIV are gay and bisexual youth of color and transgender women,2,3 but a recent study by APLA Health of young gay and bisexual men revealed that Latino and African-American youth are the least likely to know about PrEP and less than 10 percent are using it.4 Those who do know about PrEP frequently have misconceptions about it, including the belief that it's not effective or safe and that it's unaffordable."It's widely believed that a two-pronged approach is what will be most effective at ending the transmission of HIV in the U.S.," said Robert Bolan M.D., Los Angeles LGBT Center chief medical officer.
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Around the World: New HIV Sculpture in Amsterdam, UK Launches PrEP Trial, HIV on the Rise in Philippines

Around the World: New HIV Sculpture in Amsterdam, UK Launches PrEP Trial, HIV on the Rise in Philippines
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UNAIDS is publishing a series of case studies that explore the specific ways the program has contributed to the global AIDS response.The first report examines UNAIDS in Nigeria and its role in establishing the Coalition of Lawyers for Human Rights , the first and only organization to provide legal advice and representation to people living with, affected by or at risk of HIV in Nigeria, including LGBTI people."UNAIDS works tirelessly to ensure that stigma, politics and law do not keep people from the HIV services they need.
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