Thursday, December 15, 2016

out : declared in HIV 101: How is HIV Transmitted?

This was collected by Lucy William

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daily : 2016-12-15 & on time : 4:30

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HIV 101: What Is a Serodiscordant Couple?

HIV 101: What Is a Serodiscordant Couple?
image uploaded by "out" site
HIV 101: What Is a Serodiscordant Couple?Everyone has questions when they find out they are positive.In this series of posts, here are several of the most common, plus straightforward answers to help you navigate this new life of yours.
about the details read more from here

HIV 101: He's Positive, I'm Not — How Do We Deal?

HIV 101: He's Positive, I'm Not — How Do We Deal?
image uploaded by "advocate" site
HIV 101: He's Positive, I'm Not — How Do We Deal?What you need to know if you're a mixed (serodiscordant) couple is that you can have a happy and healthy relationship, but like all relationships, it requires work and commitment, because love does not conquer all.The HIV-negative partner may want talk to his or her physician about pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP; research has shown that the anti-HIV drug Truvada reduces the risk of HIV infection in the negative partners of HIV-positive gay men.
about the details read more from here

HIV 101: How is HIV Transmitted?

HIV 101: How is HIV Transmitted?
image uploaded by "out" site
HIV 101: How is HIV Transmitted?Everyone has questions when they find out they are positive.In this series of posts, here are several of the most common, plus straightforward answers to help you navigate this new life of yours.
about the details read more from here

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