Monday, December 12, 2016

nydailynews : declared in AIDS AWARENESS: Trans women vs. HIV odds

This was collected by Lucy William

We will quote to you the news of the best health sites Like : "nydailynews" and the most famous medical experts : Jay Mwamba

daily : 2016-12-13 & on time : 2:41

as declared in

AIDS AWARENESS: Trans women vs. HIV odds

AIDS AWARENESS: Trans women vs. HIV odds
image uploaded by "nydailynews" site
IF YOU ARE a transgender woman in New York City chances are that you are 49 times more likely to be positive HIV than members of any other group.The odds get worse for women of color in the Trans community.New data by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shows that 93 % of women diagnosed with HIV in that demographic were African American or Latina.
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HIV & AIDS Information :: Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe making strong progress towards the 90-90-90 goals

HIV & AIDS Information :: Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe making strong progress towards the 90-90-90 goals
image uploaded by "aidsmap" site
Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe are making strong progress towards achieving the treatment and viral suppression goals set out in the UN 90-90-90 target, and new HIV infections have declined substantially in each country since 2003, according to figures from national household surveys released last week by ICAP at Columbia University."New findings from Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe validate what we have only been able to previously predict in models – that our global efforts are having a measurable impact in countries with some of the most severe HIV epidemics," said Dr. Shannon Hader, director of the CDC Division of Global HIV and Tuberculosis.The surveys show that each country is close to meeting the targets for people on treatment and for viral suppression, but that they still have some way to go to meet the HIV diagnosis target.
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UNAIDS Board underlines the need for a fully funded response to HIV to allow more countries to get on the Fast-Track to ending AIDS by 2030

UNAIDS Board underlines the need for a fully funded response to HIV to allow more countries to get on the Fast-Track to ending AIDS by 2030
image uploaded by "unaids" site
GENEVA, 12 December 2016—At its 39th meeting, the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board welcomed the significant progress made in the response to HIV and stressed the need for sustained investment, strengthened commitment, partnerships and innovation to enable more countries to accelerate the delivery of services to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.In his opening address, the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibé, took stock of a momentous year for the AIDS response, during which access to antiretroviral therapy expanded to more than 18 million people and more countries adopted a Fast-Track response to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.A Fast-Track response includes a set of measurable targets that must be reached by 2020 in order for the world to be on course to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
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