Monday, November 14, 2016

Zika Virus Vaccines Are Moving into Human Trials : time

according to time

Zika Virus Vaccines Are Moving into Human Trials

Zika Virus Vaccines Are Moving into Human Trials
Zika Virus Vaccines Are Moving into Human Trials
+ READ ARTICLEThe Zika virus has swiftly spread worldwide, causing thousands of cases of the severe birth defect microcephaly and possibly many other developmental problems.In response, researchers in the U.S. and beyond have sped up study into vaccines and drugs to treat the virus, and have finally seen some encouraging results.On Monday, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced the launch of the first of five clinical trials in humans to test the safety and effectiveness of a Zika vaccine.

let alone npr

The Latest Experimental Zika Vaccine Uses An Inactivated Virus : Shots

The Latest Experimental Zika Vaccine Uses An Inactivated Virus : Shots
The Latest Experimental Zika Vaccine Uses An Inactivated Virus : Shots
Testing Begins On An Experimental Zika Vaccine With Inactivated VirusEnlarge this image toggle caption CDC CDCFederal scientists have launched another test in human volunteers of a Zika vaccine.This one uses a more traditional approach than an experiment that started in August.Federal officials are eager to develop a vaccine as quickly as possible, which is why they are pursuing multiple approaches.

coupled with wsj

Zika Virus Mosquito Possibly Spreads Dengue in Same Bite

Zika Virus Mosquito Possibly Spreads Dengue in Same Bite
Zika Virus Mosquito Possibly Spreads Dengue in Same Bite
ATLANTA—A single species of mosquito—Aedes aegypti—now spreads multiple viruses in the Western Hemisphere, including Zika, chikungunya, and dengue.That has prompted researchers to examine whether it may transmit more than one type of virus at once to people—and if so, what consequences that may have.In a new study presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, scientists from Colorado State University said they had evidence that Aedes aegypti mosquitoes could be...

The Latest Experimental Zika Vaccine Uses An Inactivated Virus : Shots

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