Wednesday, November 16, 2016

This USB Stick Can Perform HIV Test With 95% Accuracy In 20 Minutes : fossbytes

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This USB Stick Can Perform HIV Test With 95% Accuracy In 20 Minutes

This USB Stick Can Perform HIV Test With 95% Accuracy In 20 Minutes
This USB Stick Can Perform HIV Test With 95% Accuracy In 20 Minutes
The scientists at Imperial College of London have been able to develop a new type of HIV test that's based on a USB stick.Developed with the help of UK biotech company DNA Electronics, this USB stick is a great improvement over the current tests.Usually, for tests, the patients send their fluids to a lab and they need to wait for days or weeks to receive the reports.

let alone qz

A USB stick can show HIV test results in under 30 minutes — Quartz

A USB stick can show HIV test results in under 30 minutes — Quartz
A USB stick can show HIV test results in under 30 minutes — Quartz
Though there is no cure for the human immunodeficiency virus, we now know enough about it to slow its growth within the human body, and to prevent its spread from person to person.But to do that, an HIV patient (and, ideally, their health care provider) needs to first know they are infected and second be able to regularly measure the levels of the virus in their blood regularly to make sure their treatment is working.That's a major challenge in sub-Saharan Africa, where HIV has become pandemic (more than 24 million of the 37 million people worldwide with HIV live there).

let alone labiotech

USB key Diagnostic could help manage HIV Treatment Anywhere

USB key Diagnostic could help manage HIV Treatment Anywhere
USB key Diagnostic could help manage HIV Treatment Anywhere
A new method of gene sequencing has brought us an HIV diagnostic on a "USB stick", which determines the levels of the virus with one drop of blood and in under 30 minutes.Once perfected, the technology could be the tool for HIV management as glucose meters are for diabetes.While pharma and research work on various ambitious projects to deliver a true HIV cure by as early as 2020 and vaccines that could slow down the epidemic, the current anti-retroviral treatments have already come a long way.

let alone techcrunch

A USB stick that can test HIV levels in under 30 minutes

A USB stick that can test HIV levels in under 30 minutes
A USB stick that can test HIV levels in under 30 minutes
Scientists at Imperial College of London have teamed with UK biotech company DNA Electronics to develop a USB stick-based HIV test capable of sophisticated detection in a fraction of the time of a standard test.The computer plug-in just needs a single drop of blood to go to work, measuring the levels of HIV-1, changing the acidity and transmitting the results as an electrical signal that can be sent to a computer or mobile device.The whole process occurs in less half an hour to complete (with most tests averaging around 21 minutes), rather than the multiple day-long wait and lab requirements of other test.

This USB Stick Can Perform HIV Test With 95% Accuracy In 20 Minutes

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