Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Symptom-free Ebola infections detected in West Africa : eurekalert

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Symptom-free Ebola infections detected in West Africa

Symptom-free Ebola infections detected in West Africa
Symptom-free Ebola infections detected in West Africa
Between 2013 and 2016, tens of thousands of people in West Africa contracted Ebola virus disease, making the epidemic the largest and longest on record.But the number of reported cases -- roughly 28,000 -- may be an underestimate of the total number of people infected, since it includes only people who showed symptoms of disease.Researchers reporting in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases have discovered individuals in Sierra Leone who showed no signs of the disease but have evidence of prior Ebola infection in their immune systems.

in like manner latimes

Undetected Ebola infections suggest the disease spread more widely than thought

Undetected Ebola infections suggest the disease spread more widely than thought
Undetected Ebola infections suggest the disease spread more widely than thought
As many as 25% of those infected with the Ebola virus during the recent four-year outbreak in West Africa may have experienced few if any symptoms and lived on without ill effects, new research suggests.Indeed, the immune systems of these people — the telltale sign of their infection — would allow them to withstand reinfection with the Ebola virus.That finding has emerged from a study that tested 187 men, women and children in the rural village of Sukudu, Sierra Leone, where 28 of the West Africa outbreak's roughly 11,000 Ebola deaths occurred.

by the same token on upi

Some Ebola infections may be symptomless

Some Ebola infections may be symptomless
Some Ebola infections may be symptomless
TUESDAY, Nov. 15, 2016 -- Researchers have discovered cases of symptom-free Ebola infection in West Africa, which suggests that the number of people who had the virus during the recent epidemic was higher than thought.There were 28,000 reported cases of Ebola in West Africa between 2013 and 2016.That total included only people with symptoms.

Undetected Ebola infections suggest the disease spread more widely than thought

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