Monday, November 21, 2016

Fight against Zika virus a ‘marathon’ PAHO warns according to : essentialbaby

We will quote to you the news of the best health sites Like : essentialbaby And the most famous medical experts Stephanie Nebehay / daily : 2016-11-21
And on time 9:40

according to

WHO declares end of Zika emergency, but says virus remains a threat

WHO declares end of Zika emergency, but says virus remains a threat
Wet and warm weather makes perfect breeding conditions for mosquitoes.Photo: SuppliedThe World Health Organization has declared that Zika no longer constitutes an international emergency, but it stressed a need for a long-term effort to address the virus, which has been linked to birth defects and neurological complications.Officials on WHO's Emergency Committee made clear the Zika still constitutes a global public health threat.
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Zika virus is no longer a global EMERGENCY declare World Health Organisation

Zika virus is no longer a global EMERGENCY declare World Health Organisation
GETTY The World Health Organisation has lifted the global health emergency on Zika VirusThe WHO has lifted the international public health emergency, which was declared nine months ago.But the organisation has also warned that the Zika virus is here to stay.Despite the virus no longer being a public health emergency, the United Nations health agency has warned that it still remains a "significant and enduring public health challenge".
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Fight against Zika virus a 'marathon' PAHO warns

Fight against Zika virus a 'marathon' PAHO warns
ATLANTA, United States (CMC) — Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Dr Carissa F Etienne has warned that the fight against the Zika virus will be a "marathon," making it clear that it is "not a hundred-meter race".In delivering the keynote address at the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene here, Etienne said the fight is "a marathon in which science and public health need to work hand in hand"."There is still a long way to go on Zika," she told delegates.
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