Sunday, October 9, 2016

This Year's Flu Shot Recommendation Includes One Major Change : huffingtonpost

according to huffingtonpost

This Year's Flu Shot Recommendation Includes One Major Change

This Year's Flu Shot Recommendation Includes One Major Change
This Year's Flu Shot Recommendation Includes One Major Change
"If we could increase vaccination coverage in this country by just five percent more, that would prevent about 800,000 illnesses and nearly 10,000 hospitalizations," said Frieden."Flu vaccine is one of the best buys in public health."Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, made that message loud and clear Thursday at the annual National Foundation for Infectious Diseases press conference on flu vaccines.Yes, it's flu season again.

coupled with nytimes

Let's Talk a Millennial Into Getting a Flu Shot

Let's Talk a Millennial Into Getting a Flu Shot
Let's Talk a Millennial Into Getting a Flu Shot
PhotoYou've heard it many times: You should get a flu shot.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that anyone older than six months get one by the end of October, though late is better than never.Yet, an online survey by CityMD, a network of urgent care centers, found that 52 percent of millennials don't plan on getting the vaccine.

coupled with snopes

Facebook Posts Warn Against Getting the Flu Shot

Facebook Posts Warn Against Getting the Flu Shot
Facebook Posts Warn Against Getting the Flu Shot
Claim: The flu shot is dangerous and full of risks the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about.Mostly FalseOrigin:Every flu season sees an increase in viral web stories making largely unsubstantiated allegations about the health risks of the flu shot that include claims about their scary-sounding ingredients, connections to a variety of diseases (including Alzheimer's), and their supposed lack of efficacy in general:The pharmaceutical industry, medical experts and the mainstream media are candid in telling us that flu vaccines contain strains of the flu virus.What they are less likely to reveal though is the long list of other ingredients that come with the vaccine.

additionally wishtv

WISH-TV and Walgreens team up for No Cost Flu Shot Day

WISH-TV and Walgreens team up for No Cost Flu Shot Day
WISH-TV and Walgreens team up for No Cost Flu Shot Day
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – WISH-TV and Walgreens are partnering to provide flu shots at no cost.On Wednesday, October 12th, at all of Walgreens 71 stores throughout Central Indiana, Hoosiers can stop in and get a flu shot.And it won't cost anything.

in addition cbslocal

MDH: Less Than Half Of Minn. Adults Got Flu Shot Last Year « WCCO

MDH: Less Than Half Of Minn. Adults Got Flu Shot Last Year « WCCO
MDH: Less Than Half Of Minn. Adults Got Flu Shot Last Year « WCCO
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — The Minnesota Department of Health is reminding the public that now is the time to get the flu vaccine.MDH reports it takes two weeks for the flu vaccine to begin working.Flu season runs October through May.

MDH: Less Than Half Of Minn. Adults Got Flu Shot Last Year « WCCO

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