Tuesday, October 18, 2016

SLU to test Zika vaccine on volunteers : stltoday

as informed in stltoday

SLU to test Zika vaccine on volunteers

SLU to test Zika vaccine on volunteers
SLU to test Zika vaccine on volunteers
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as well washingtontimes

Saint Louis University studying vaccine for Zika virus

Saint Louis University studying vaccine for Zika virus
Saint Louis University studying vaccine for Zika virus
ST. LOUIS (AP) - Saint Louis University is preparing to test a vaccine aimed at fighting the mosquito-borne Zika virus.The university is seeking 90 volunteers to test the vaccine developed by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Maryland, starting this month.Volunteers will get two doses of either the vaccine or a placebo, then will be followed for about a year to see if they develop antibodies to fight the virus.

in like manner foxnews

UC Davis researchers hope monkeys can aid Zika vaccine development

UC Davis researchers hope monkeys can aid Zika vaccine development
UC Davis researchers hope monkeys can aid Zika vaccine development
At first glance, the monkeys being studied by University of California, Davis researchers may look like they're part of a zoo exhibit, but these primates may soon hold the key to preventing pregnant women from passing the Zika virus to their unborn babies.Lead researcher Koen Van Rompay heads the Zika team at the university's Primate Research Center, where they've infected four pregnant monkeys with the Zika virus."It is my hope that there will be a Zika vaccine on the market in a few years from now," Van Rompay told FoxNews.com.

UC Davis researchers hope monkeys can aid Zika vaccine development

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