Monday, October 3, 2016

Scientists hope for HIV cure with new treatment : upi

as mentioned in upi

Scientists hope for HIV cure with new treatment

Scientists hope for HIV cure with new treatment
Scientists hope for HIV cure with new treatment
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 (UPI) -- Medical researchers are hopeful of a cure for HIV after treating the first patient with a new treatment with the potential to eradicate the virus completely.The treatment is the result of a partnership between the National Institute for Health Research in Britain and other leading medical research organizations.The collaboration, known as the Collaborative HIV Eradication of viral Reservoirs, is comprised of clinicians, virologists, and immunologists.

as well kmov

British man could be first cured by new HIV therapy

British man could be first cured by new HIV therapy
British man could be first cured by new HIV therapy
( Doctors say a British man could become the first to be cured of HIV by using new therapy.If the trial is successful, it could be great news for 37 million others in the world living with HIV.Researchers are using a vaccine to train the immune system to spot hidden HIV proteins.

in like manner pbs

Oxford study could point to new treatments for HIV

Oxford study could point to new treatments for HIV
Oxford study could point to new treatments for HIV
HARI SREENIVASAN, PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND ANCHOR: This week, Oxford University researchers released a study that may point to new treatments for people infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.The study looked at young children in South Africa with HIV and found that 10 percent of them never develop symptoms of AIDS.To discuss the implications of this study, I'm joined via Skype from Oxford, England, by Philip Goulder, a professor of pediatrics at Oxford University, who led the research team.

British man could be first cured by new HIV therapy

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