Sunday, October 16, 2016

Migration Helps Spread Bird Flu Worldwide : magicvalley

as informed in magicvalley

Migration Helps Spread Bird Flu Worldwide

Migration Helps Spread Bird Flu Worldwide
Migration Helps Spread Bird Flu Worldwide
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let alone thescienceexplorer

Migration Routes of Wild Birds May Reveal Early Warnings of Bird Flu Outbreaks

Migration Routes of Wild Birds May Reveal Early Warnings of Bird Flu Outbreaks
Migration Routes of Wild Birds May Reveal Early Warnings of Bird Flu Outbreaks
Photo credit: Thermos/Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 2.5)H5N8 virus spread worldwide by long-distance migrants, study finds.Following an outbreak among poultry in South Korea in 2014, a subtype of bird flu called H5N8 rapidly spread around the world.Now, in light of the finding that long-distance migratory birds can help spread of avian flu, published in the latest issue of Science, researchers are arguing that monitoring the migration routes of wild birds could provide early warning of potential bird flu outbreaks.

by the same token on medpagetoday

Wild Bird Migration Blamed for Avian Flu Outbreak

Wild Bird Migration Blamed for Avian Flu Outbreak
Wild Bird Migration Blamed for Avian Flu Outbreak
The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N8 virus outbreak which swept across 21 U.S. states from late 2014 to mid-2015 was likely spread by wild birds migrating from South Korea to Japan, North America, and Europe, according to findings from an international consortium of researchers.The virus, which resulted in the destruction of close to 50 million chickens and other commercially-raised birds in the U.S., was the worst bird flu outbreak in American history.The economic loss in the U.S. alone was estimated to exceed $3 billion in direct and indirect costs.

Migration Routes of Wild Birds May Reveal Early Warnings of Bird Flu Outbreaks

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